He has switched to a Personal Vapouriser, commonly referred to as a PV. (Kevin calls them vape-sticks).
See picture below.
One fills them with either a flavoured non-nicotine ejuice, or a flavoured nicotine ejuice. You can pick the level of Nic that you want.
Kevin has started with an 18mg Flavoured ejuice that he mixes with a non-Nic flavoured ejuice.
He puts about 2 to 4 mil of the Nic juice in the clearomiser and then tops it up with about 10 to 12 mil of a non-Nic flavoured ejuice. Turns the PV upside a few times to mix the two juices together. This equates to about 2 to 4 mg of Nic.
This allows him to still have a Nic throat hit when he inhgales, and the taste of whatever flavour he wants. Currently an energy ejuice mix. But you can get everything from exotic chocolate flavours, to fruits like strawberry and blueberry, to tobacco flavors, and even things like pizza flavour and cola.
You cannot buy Nic ejuice in Australia, but it is legal to import your own. Most people import flavoured ejuices, with a Nic additive, from the USA. Hundreds of ejuice sites in the USA.
Aussie sites only sell non-Nic ejuice.
You can of course, buy the non-Nic ejuices here in Oz, and mix them with imported Nic.
This might sound expensive but once you have your vape-stick the ejuice buying is very, very cheap, compared to purchasing real cigarettes.
Vaping has been proven to a lot better for you than smoking analog (real) ciggies.
You still get the nicotine hit, but without the 4000 or so other poisonous chemicals in a real cigarette.
A lot of vapers eventually manage to kick the Nic altogether and just vape flavoured ejuice.
This is the website that Kevin bought his PV from.
They have a stall at Parklea Markets every Sat and Sun.
We met Nat, a great girl who explained everything to us in a very easy to understand manner.
This is similar to the kit that Kevin bought, with a few upgrades...
Nowadays there are a lot more options:
Kev swapped the clearomizers in the kit for 3 Vision Stardust 3 clearomizers...the V3's are rebuildable with the addition of a blister pack of 5 spare coils. Apparently one coil will normally last about a month or so, then you unscrew them from inside the clearo and replace the used one with a new one.
Note as of 2016 Vision Clearomizers are no longer available, but the clearomizer is just the top half of the vape stick.
These are clearomizers...
Kevin prefers a clearomizer tip with a narrow neck draw. Ask the online retailer or shop to show you different width tips.
Kev also upgraded to 2 of the eGo-C batteries...they appear to last for at least two to three days, so you charge one and use one.
Kev was vaping an 16mg to18mg Nic amount in a 50 PG, 50 VG mixture. PG and VG are the base mixtures all ejuice is manufactured with.
That's Propylene Glycol and Vegetable glycerin.
Kev is diluting it in the clearo with a non-Nic flavoured ejuice, bringing the Nic mg down to about 2 to 4 mg.
He normally smokes Alpine Fine 4 mg, so he's got the Nic-mix just about right.
An atomiser in the clearo heats up the ejuice and turns it into flavoured vappour, so one is only inhaling and exhaling vapour, not smoke. And it smells nice also. It simply dissipates into the air, leaving no residue.
One presses a small button to turn the atomiser on while one inhales, releasing it a second or so later to save on battery life.
The battery is also able to be turned off to save power when you're not using it.
So, in conclusion: Kevin hasn't managed to kick the nicotine altogether, but he certainly appears to have kicked the cigarette habit. Which is a good thing.
UPDATE: As of 2015 Kevin stopped using nicotine in his ejuice altogether and now only vapes a few times a day using his old standby The Steamery's Mint Candy.
Kevin added 15 drops of an 18ml nicotine juice to his mint candy originally and reduced the nic by one or two drops each month for twelve months until he was nic free.
He was buying his nic juice from:
It is illegal to sell nic-juice in Australia, but not illegal to import it from overseas for personal use.
Kevin was buying this one: 50ml bottle, Regular Tobacco flavour, 60/40 VG/PG mix
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